

STM’s robust, diverse course catalog allows students to investigate contemporary topics in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In addition to teaching students foundational concepts and theories, our STEM classes often incorporate professional mentors, including engineers, business owners, artists, researchers, and doctors, to assist students with the organization, scope, and planning of their projects. These mentors also allow students to make vital connections within their desired career network, giving STM students a professional advantage over their peers.

List of 5 items.

  • Science

    At St. Thomas More, we believe that science is much more than a collection of facts. Our courses are designed to teach science as a process that is used to understand the world around us. Scientific reasoning, problem-solving, laboratory activities, and experimentation are essential components of every course. The role of science and technology in society is emphasized throughout the program. In each course, the content is related to the everyday experiences of the student.

    Students are encouraged to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about science-related issues.  Science career opportunities are also presented in each course.   Our science program allows students to investigate a wide variety of subjects. The sequence of courses is designed to correspond to the developing skills of the student. Courses are available for students of all ability levels. The program has been designed to meet the needs of all St. Thomas More students.

    Students will:
    • Practice scientific reasoning, problem-solving, laboratory activities, and experimentation
    • Develop the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about science-related issues
    • Discover more information about science career opportunities

  • Technology

    Computer/information specialties are one of the fastest-growing career fields requiring a two or four-year degree. Yet the gap between the number of college entrants studying this field and the number of job openings in the field is wider than any other high-growth, high-demand career.  Students interested in the technology field will gain valuable skills to take into college and career opportunities.

  • Engineering

    St. Thomas More High School offers an award-winning Engineering program that focuses on engineering with an emphasis in math and science. The four-year program, when combined with college preparatory math and science courses, introduces students to the scope, rigor, and discipline of Engineering and Engineering Technology. PLTW’s curriculum makes math and science relevant for students. By engaging in hands-on, real-world projects, students understand how the skills they are learning in the classroom can be applied in everyday life.

    Students will:
    • Become proficient in problem-solving, managing time and resources, researching, and data collection and analysis
    • Learn to look beyond the classroom for answers
    • Work as a contributing member and a leader of a team
    • Perfect their presentation skills
    • Use appropriate written and visual mediums to communicate with a variety of audiences
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  • Mathematics

    In today’s competitive world of business, technology, and science, a solid mathematics foundation is essential.  To prepare students for the demands of the ACT, a postsecondary education, and work environment, a sound mathematics program should assist students in growing problem-solving abilities as well as knowing and understanding mathematical processes, facts, and principles.  A student’s ability to perform computation with understanding, accuracy, and efficiency is developed along with mathematical reasoning.

    Students will:
    • Grow problem-solving abilities
    • Develop an understanding of mathematical processes, facts, and principles
    • Learn to perform computation with understanding, accuracy, and efficiency
    • Become proficient in understanding of the logical structure of mathematics and the nature of proof
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  • Medicine

    Project Lead the Way’s Biomedical Sciences program is a four-year series of courses designed to bring students closer to the possibilities of a medical-based career. The courses are integrated into the student’s core curriculum and designed to expand upon but not replace college preparatory math and science courses. This dynamic program uses hands-on, real-world problems to engage and challenge students.

    Students interested in math, science, and the human body will find the PLTW Biomedical Sciences program a great introduction to the numerous medical fields. It will also teach them how the skills they learn are used in the biomedical sciences.

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St. Thomas More is a Catholic, coeducational high school that inspires students to embrace the values of our Patron Saint by becoming men and women for all seasons. Rooted in Christ and the Catholic tradition, the school community embodies the principles of Christian discipleship, service to others, and academic excellence.

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